
The beneficiaries of the Rail Baltica project are the ministries of the three Baltic States: the Estonian Ministry of Climate Change, the Latvian Ministry of Transport and the Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications.

2014. aastal asutasid ministeeriumid ühisettevõtte RB Rail AS, mis on põhikoordinaator raudtee ehitamisel ja Rail Balticu projekti arendamisel. RB Rail ASi aktsiad on jaotatud võrdselt Eesti OÜ Rail Baltic Estonia, Läti SIA Eiropas Dzelzceļa Līnijas ja Leedu UAB Rail Baltica Statyba vahel.

The national authorities implementing the Rail Baltica project in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are responsible for the implementation of the project in their respective countries and are also shareholders in RB Rail AS. In Estonia this is Rail Baltic Estonia OÜ, in Latvia Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas SIA and in Lithuania Rail Baltica Statyba UAB and Lietuvos Geležinkeliai JSC.