Videos from

2022. aastal AS-i Tallinna Lennujaam poolt ellu kutsutud Rohefoorumiga on tänaseks ühinenud ka AS Tallinna Sadam, AS Eesti Raudtee ja OÜ Rail Baltic Estonia. Kiiresti muutuvas maailmas ei ole jätkusuutlikkus ja vastutustundlik ettevõtlus oma kohta kaotanud. Vastupidi, see on olulisem kui kunagi varem. Eesti transpordisektori ettevõtted annavad üheskoos tegutsedes oma panuse nii süsiniku- kui ka kliimaneutraalsuse saavutamisse.

Rail Baltica for people

Rail Baltica for the economy and security

Rail Baltica on the environment

Rail Baltica progress in Estonia (November 2023) ENG

Part I of the video series "Briefly about Rail Baltica"

Andrei Zevakin and Robin Valting visited the first completed Rail Baltica projects to find out more about what an ecoduct is, where the train will run and why there are no tracks on the ground yet.

Part II of the video series "Briefly about Rail Baltica"

Andrei Zevakin and Robin Valting discuss the facts about Rail Baltica.

Part III of the video series "Briefly about Rail Baltica"

Andrei Zevakin and Robin Valting visited the newly completed Saustinõmme eco-dock to take a closer look at the rhizome piles, the perching tree and the salt stone.

Part IV of the video series "Briefly about Rail Baltica"

Andrei Zevakin and Robin Valting visited the construction site of the Ülemiste terminal to talk more about the future travel options from the Ülemiste terminal.

Part V of the video series "Briefly about Rail Baltica"

Andrei Zevakin and Robin Valting visited the construction site of the Ülemiste terminal and discussed whether it will be possible to travel to Warsaw with a pet in the future.

Part VI of the video series "Briefly about Rail Baltica"

Andrei Zevakin and Robin Valting visited the construction site of the Ülemiste terminal and discussed how to complete the project faster.

In part III of the video series "Insight into the Rail Baltica project" we get to know what the construction of a large-scale railway infrastructure looks like from an environmental perspective,
The video is subtitled in Estonian!

Part II of the video series "An insight into the Rail Baltica project" takes a closer look at the benefits of Rail Baltica.
Rail Baltica is fast, comfortable and environmentally friendly, but what other benefits will the future high-speed railway bring?
The video is subtitled in Estonian!

#5 DiscoverEU summer 2023

#4 Maria and the night train experiment

Part I of the video series "An insight into the Rail Baltica project" takes a closer look at the Rail Baltica design.
Find out more about the steps to be taken before the tracks can actually be laid. The video is subtitled in Estonian!

We sent Maria Rannavälja by night train to Copenhagen! Take a closer look at how her trip turned out.

#3 DiscoverEU DiscoverEU is an action of the Erasmus+ programme that gives young Europeans aged 18 the chance to discover Europe by train. It's a great way to learn about different cultures, make new friends and practise foreign languages.In this episode, we'll tell you all about it! The programme is introduced by DiscoverEU coordinator Anni Tetsmann, and two young people, Julius Simm and Kristian Pärt, share their experiences of participating in the programme.

#2 LEARNING AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE RAILWAY SECTOR This episode focuses on careers in the railway sector.
The programme features Viktoria Mishina, HR Consultant at Rail Baltic Estonia, and Silver Suurorg, Project Manager at Rail Baltic Estonia. The conversation is moderated by Gerda Triin Hääl.

#1 TRAINS AND THE ENVIRONMENT Youth portal Teeviit x Rail Baltic Estonia's new podcast series on travel, trains and careers in the rail sector. The first episode focuses on the environment. We find out what's behind the buzzword 'green' and how we can make greener choices for ourselves on a daily basis. We also talk about careers in the sector and the environmental footprint of trains. What is an ecoduct, what is it used for and what value does it create? We are joined on the show by wildlife expert and ReWild CEO Jaanus Remm and Rail Baltic Estonia Senior Environmental Specialist Ingrid Lai. The conversation is moderated by Gerda Triin Hääl.

Rail Baltica Ülemiste rolling stock depot

Construction of the Rail Baltica Saustinõmme road viaduct

Rail Baltica Ülemiste public terminal

Password 2022 marketing conference - Rail Baltica "Time and Space 2030"

Rail Baltica Muuga multimodal freight terminal

Rail Baltica Pärnu freight terminal and maintenance centre

Rail Baltica Pärnu passenger terminal

Rail Baltica Ülemiste railway infrastructure